My first job
My first beneficial Experience would have to be my first job ever. My first job was on a farm I helped with everything I could from feeding the farm animals to cleaning out the trailers after long trips with cows in them, that was a eye opener to hard work, I was young and eager to work hard and that was exactly what I got, Hot summer days and a lot of hard work but I loved every second of it, the reason I called this a positive experience was due to the introduction of hard work and the true meaning of work.
My second Experience is traveling I have been Very fortunate to be able to travel a lot of the world, I have been out of the US 9 times and truly have seen first hand of how lucky we have it back in the United states. Traveling the world will really show you and make you appreciate how good we have it in the United States, that’s why I believe that this experience is very beneficial, to always be happy with what I have because it can always be worse.
Restaurant work
Another very beneficial Experience will have to be working in a restaurant as a busser. I worked at the Switzerland Inn for 3 summers and I learned about personal interactions and talking to strangers, that was very good for me now I feel like I can go up to anyone and talk to them. My deferent work experiences make this possible. That’s why I thought that this job was very beneficial to myself and my soft skills.
My schooling Experience has been very beneficial, school has taught me a lot in classes, and the fact that you must put effort in to receive good grades and that is a good relator to the real world how you must always have a goal in mind and don’t stop until you achieve the goal and then set a new goal and keep going its a never ending cycle but it will always keep you on task and doing everything you can to be your best.