Please see below for my classroom expectations and course outline.
2018-2019 Grade 6 Math Course Guide
Using the NYS Common Core Module Curriculum as a Resource
Summary of Math Grade 6
6th grade mathematics is about (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.
Key Areas of Focus for Grade 6: Ratios and proportional reasoning; early expressions and equations
Sequence of Topics:
1. Ratios/Unit Rates**
2. Arithmetic Operations Including Dividing by a Fraction
3. Rational Numbers
4. Expressions/Equations**
5. Area, Surface Area, and Volume Problems
6. Statistics
** Focus topics for grade 6
Materials Needed
• Pencils (lead and colored)
• Several glue sticks
• expo markers
• Post it notes
***A non graphing calculator (even a simple 4 function calculator from Dollar General works)
Daily Classroom Procedures
Always pick up any papers in the pink and green baskets on the back table
Follow any directions on the white board
Raise hand, and wait to be called on, if you would like the teacher’s attention.
Be productive. Stay on task and follow along with the lesson.
Remain in your seat unless told otherwise.
Please remain seated until I dismiss you.
Raising your hand
Raising your hand indicates that you would like my attention. Please hold all questions until ALL instructions have been given out. Once you are working independently or within groups, please feel free to raise your hand at any time as long as questions and/or comments are related directly to the task at hand, otherwise please hold your thoughts and speak to me after class, at the end of the day, or the very next morning.
Sharpening your pencil
Several pencils should be sharpened before the bell rings. If your pencil point should break, you should sharpen your pencil with the least amount of disruption possible. Please wait to sharpen your pencil until I have completed teaching my lesson and/or talking to the class as a whole. If I feel that you are abusing the privilege of sharpening your pencil, I will that require that you ONLY sharpen pencils before class, and ask for permission any time after that.
Restroom Use
I ask that you wait until all instructions have been given before leaving the room to use the bathroom. When leaving the room to use the bathroom, please raise your hand to ask permission, sign out, fill out your agenda for me to sign, and quietly leave the room. Only 1 person should leave the classroom at a time, so if someone else is out of the classroom, please wait until they have returned to ask for permission. Remember that you are not allowed to leave the classroom during the first and last 10 minutes of class. Restroom privileges may be restricted if I feel that they are being abused.
Group Work
During many lessons there will be opportunities to work in groups with fellow classmates. Sometimes I will allow students to select their partners, while at other times I will be assigning students to groups. I ask that everyone respect one another when working together. Please do not express disappointment or disapproval of other students within the class. In addition, all students are expected to contribute to the activity with no one person taking charge of the entire group, and no students relying on other students to do all the work. Remember we work together and we answer apart.
Each marking period there will be formal tests (we will review in class), quizzes (announced and unannounced), warm-up activities, class work, and homework assignments. There will also be other types of informal assessments to periodically check for understanding. There will be Mid Module and end of Module Assessments. District wide assessments will also be administered throughout the year.
All students will be required to keep a notebook in class. The purpose for the notebook is so that the student can use it as a guide at home to assist them with homework and to study for upcoming tests.
Homework will be assigned Mon. – Thurs. night. Occasionally there will be assigned work over a weekend or holiday break. All homework will be posted in the classroom and is to be written in your agenda daily. It is expected to be completed and turned in on the due date.
Parents, your child will always receive written and oral directions for a review for tests, and time to write down their daily assignments in their agendas. You are encouraged to check their agenda on a regular basis and emphasize the importance of writing in every block. (Example, “NO HW” or that day’s assignment) Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to take advantage of the organizational guidance offered in class.
Students are expected to come to class prepared every day with notebook, glue stick, and pencil. Bringing the above list of materials, all assignments completed, and a willingness to learn and participate is crucial for success.
Agenda Books
Agenda books serve a variety of purposes. Students must have their agenda books at all times. Each day the student will write their homework down in the agenda book. Students will use the agenda book to keep record of their homework and future assignments. (The school provides an agenda book for students; if lost a new one must be purchased at the main office).
Excessive absences should be avoided. In the event of an absence, the student is required to make up class and homework assignments. Any student that is absent should see me prior to or immediately after the absence to obtain their missed work. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for the complete policy on completing work after an absence.
(Please note it is the students’ responsibility to see me when he/she returns after an absence for any missed assignments, failure to do so will result in a zero on the assignment)
Extra Help
If any student feels he/she needs extra help, has any questions, or needs to stay after school to make up work from an absence they are encouraged to see me and set up a time. Support time, lunch, and study hall time is also a very good time to arrange to come see me for extra help. Also it highly recommended to utilize our Grade 6 Homework Help webpage that will link to each teacher’s web page. The math site offers copies of notes taken in class, copies of any homework assigned, video tutorials and links to review games online.
Behavior Expectations
Do things that will not prevent me from teaching, nor you or others from learning.
Respect yourself, others, and your school.
Exhibit self-control.
Be responsible for yourself and your actions.
Contact Me:
Please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the year. The best way to reach me is through email, ( You may also contact me by calling Cohen Middle School at 734-5078. Please allow me a 24hr grace period to respond.
I hope this course guide is clear and helpful to you. I am looking forward to an exciting year filled with many rewards and challenges that will encourage growth and maturity!!