My family and I love to travel, any chance that we get we are traveling somewhere. Every year a large portion of my family goes to a state campground in the Adirondacks for 2 weeks. 2 years ago we drove all the way out to Minnesota to visit some family. This past summer I took a trip to Costa Rica with a group of kids at school with my 8th grade science teacher. It was a trip that gave me a lot of experience and I got to see some different cultures and how other people work and live.
I have worked at The Decoy Restaurant as a dishwasher for just over a year. There I wash dishes, do some food prep, clean the kitchen at the end of the night and help the waitresses bring out food if they are behind. Even for the short time that I have worked there I have learned a lot about leadership and problem solving. When there is a little problem that you don’t know, you don’t want to ask one of the cooks and take time away from them, you need to see if you can figure it out yourself.
In order to be able to hunt legally, I had to take a 10 hour course in hunter safety for my gun license and an 8 hour course for my bow license. I also have my permit and am working on my junior permit.
Quality Work:
Last year as a freshman, me and a friend had to put together a skit and act it out in front of the class, we spent 4 days coming up with the story line and spent a day practicing. When it was time to present we executed it perfectly and got a 100 on the assignment. This year in my CFM class I had to pick a career topic and create a presentation on PowerPoint.
I selected the skit that I did as a freshman for my quality work because I feel that it shows what I can do and put together when I set my mind to something. This was not a normal assignment because you had to write a skit, and then act it out in front of the class. It took a week from start to finish.