
Welcome to P.I.E.!

Happy New Year!!

We hope you resolve to get involved at school this year!


P.I.E. is Partners in Education and we are a dedicated group of parents, teachers, and community members who support the middle school.

We would love to hear from you!
Please contact us if you would like to get involved.

    Call the main office at 589-7120 or email us at sholmes@svecsd.org .

We value you and your ideas and would love to have you there!

Please check out our upcoming events!

Mission Statement
“The Spencer-Van Etten Middle School Partners in Education (PIE) committee is a group of parents, teachers, staff, and students whose mission is to share ideas, concerns, and celebrations with each other. Our goals are to develop networks of support in order to create effective communication between home and school, to provide resources for both families and staff, and to help raise funds to support those initiatives.”

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