Keeping Busy This Winter

By | January 14, 2019

In our newsletter this week, we discuss how this is a hard time of year to keep our little ones entertained. It’s been so cold that we have found ourselves having to do indoor recess time here at Diven Elementary! Not all of our children are coming in to school wearing appropriate winter coats, hats, or gloves. We are working on organizing a Winter-Wear Drive so students can borrow these items from their teachers on days when they are forgotten–more information on that in an upcoming newsletter.

Here are some suggestions to keep your little ones busy this winter on those days when you can’t let them outside:

Indoor Snowball Fight

Target sells “indoor snowballs,” which are basically giant white pom-poms, but we’ve lost them in our house and discovered that balled-up socks work just as well! Everybody’s a winner after indoor snowball fight–hot cocoa for all!

Board Games

Every week at our house we do Family Game Night. We take turns choosing the games, and while Candy Land and Don’t Break the Ice are always on rotation, other favorites include Pete the Cat, Sticky Chameleons, Kittens in a Blender, Uno, Ice Cool, and Mousetrap. Games can get expensive, though, so it’s nice to know that Steele Memorial Library now has board games available to check out for up to two weeks at a time! They are on the second floor check-out desk.

Water Painting

This is perhaps a result of my pure lazy parenting, but it works for my toddler: grab a paintbrush or cotton ball, a cup of water, and some pieces of construction paper. Sit your little one down in the kitchen and let them “paint” on the construction paper with the water! It won’t make a mess and shows up best on red- green- and blue-colored paper. This is also fun if you use snow!

Arts and Crafts

Any kind of arts and crafts make time go by quickly on those days when you are stuck inside. We always have finger paints, water colors, scissors, and washable glue on hand for our littles–and a designated arts and crafts area of the house (read: a corner in the kitchen!). I know glitter is the demon of home arts and crafts, so might I recommend sequins. They are much easier to clean up and the kids love them just as well. Bingo stampers are also fantastic paint sticks–make sure you find washable ones!

Play Dough

Oh, my, I love play dough. It’s so easy to clean up out of anything and it keeps my kiddos entertained forever. If you don’t have some, you can make some easily enough. Check out this recipe for play dough.

Indoor Picnic or Tea Party or Beach Party

Great way to spend some time together, or for siblings to spend time with each other while you get work done at home. Set out a blanket (for beach party, you can use a blue blanket for water and a brown blanket for sand), get out your plates, cups, and finger foods (or felt foods!) and go nuts. I find my children stay entertained longer if stuffed animals serve as guests of honor. 😛

Pillow Fort

Take down those couch cushions and get creative with that coffee table because pillow forts are still amazingly fun even when you are a grown-up. Don’t ask me how I know.

Treasure Hunt

Hide a treasure somewhere in the house, and start giving your children clues (or a map, if you’re feeling creative) to locate the treasures. This works best for my house if we set out one small treasure in each room to find while we work our way to the “big treasure,” which is usually a snack.

Make Bird Feeders

Another kitchen-based project for easy cleanup: make bird feeders! Take a toilet-paper roll or a paper plate, tie a string to it, smear it with peanut butter, and sprinkle on nuts, oatmeal, or bird seed. Hang it outside for the birds to enjoy!