Super Power Word: Courageous

By | January 14, 2019

This month, our super power word is COURAGEOUS. Our students will be learning all about what it means to be courageous: trying new things; doing the right thing even when others are not; and being strong in your mind, body, and heart.

Think about a time when you felt afraid or weak, and how you overcame your challenge using courage. Share with your child. Ask them to share an act of courage with you!

We will be celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr., this month, as Martin Luther King, Jr., Day is January 21, 2018. We won’t have school that day, but we will have many activities all January celebrating the life and acts of this courageous man. Martin Luther King, Jr., once said: “Courage is the power of the mind to overcome fear.” Truly, he is a role model not just for courage, but for justice, honor, and love. Check out the next post for books you can read with your children to introduce them to one of the greatest civil rights leaders of all time.

Also, check out these links for more information about teaching courage to your little ones:

Growing Character: Teaching Children About Courage

40 Books to Teach Children About Courage

101 Ways to Teach Kids Courage

Teaching Kids to Be Brave