Our first official days of school are over, and we wanted to thank all of our families for such a wonderful end of the week! It was amazing to see so many happy faces, and while there were a few tears in the morning, I’m happy to say that by the afternoon, most of the little ones were sunshine and smiles!
If you participated in the Summer Reading program, please hand in your forms with your next Wednesday folder so I can add them to the raffle draw. We’ll hold the raffle at Open House on Wednesday, September 18, from 6pm – 7pm, but you don’t have to be present to win. If you need a Summer Reading packet, either because yours has been misplaced or you are a PreK student’s parent, please let your teacher know or pick one up at the FCOC board in the lobby by the front office.
I encourage every single parent to sign up as a member of the Diven School Organization! We are looking for 100% participation this year! Forms will be sent out in the next Wednesday folder and should be returned to your child’s teacher. You can also join the DSO Facebook Group and like the DSO Facebook Page.
You do NOT have to commit to volunteering to join the DSO (although that is very appreciated). All we ask is that you share your information with us so that we can keep you informed of our family/school/community events. 🙂
Finally, be on the lookout for the first Newsletter of the year in next week’s folder!
Here’s to another great year, Diven Dolphins!
-Liz Zilinski, Family & Community Outreach Coordinator