Attendance Matters

By | September 16, 2019

This year, Diven families are asked to help positively impact their student’s learning by sending their child to school if your child does not have a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, in the classroom. Every. Single. Day. We love your kids and want them to succeed!

Generally, preschool students miss more school than any other grade, but kindergarten students are not far behind. Why does it matter?

  • Missing just two days of school each month can make a child fall behind.
  • Being late to school may lead to poor attendance and a student falling behind.
  • Absences and tardiness affect the whole classroom in a negative way.
  • Elementary school students who are chronically absent (miss more than 18 days a year) are more likely to drop out of high school.

Make attending school a habit! Last year, we asked for parent feedback about attendance:

“If my preschooler is throwing a temper tantrum, I feel like I’m doing the teacher a favor keeping him home.” Not true! No matter what’s going on in the morning, we want your little one in school. Building the habit early helps then learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important.

“It’s so hard for us to get out on time! We’re always missing a shoe/have to pack lunch/running late.” Set a regular bedtime and morning routine, lay out your clothes, shoes, and backpack before bed. If you don’t have time to pack a lunch, no worries, lunch is FREE at Diven for all students.

“I don’t have reliable transportation, and we have no way to get there every day.” Contact us for help! You are not alone, and we have solutions.

“My doctor/dentist/family schedules appointments/trips during school.” If you must schedule an appointment during a weekday, ask if there are appointments available on days when school is not in session. If you must schedule an appointment on a school day, try to do one late in the afternoon to minimize the time your child misses school.

Visit and for more tips and info about how much attendance matters.