It’s no reason to feel ashamed, and there is help available if you don’t have a place to stay or you’re in danger of being evicted. Lots of people think homelessness means you’re living on the street, but it’s more complicated. We consider families homeless if they don’t have stable housing for any reason. You might be sleeping on your sister’s couch, but you’re still considered homeless and we can get you back on your feet. You might own a home, but you need to flee domestic violence. You’re considered homeless, and we can find you emergency shelter.
Chemung County Homeless Services helps people from all walks of life. If you are fleeing domestic violence, call Salvation Army Safehouse/Domestic Violence 24/7 hotline at 607-732-1979 for emergency shelter, non-residential services, and safety planning or call First Step Victim Services 24/7 hotline at 607-742-9629 for non-residential services and safety planning.
If you are homeless, during business hours, go to The Samaritan Center, 380 S. Main Street, Elmira. Their phone number is 607-734-4898 and their business hours are M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm (closed 12pm – 1pm). After hours, weekends, or holidays, go to The Second Place East Homeless Shelter, 605 College Ave, Elmira. Their number is 607-732-5954.
Even if you are at-risk of homelessness, you can call or go to the Samaritan Center. There are programs to help prevent eviction and homelessness as well as free food and clothing.
Finally, if your child started the school year in a stable living situation, but you have since become homeless, please let us know! The McKinney-Vento Act provides protection for homeless children in the area of public education. Every new student registration requires the Housing Questionnaire Form be completed, but your housing situation may have changed since you enrolled. If your child is in any of these situations, please ask for the Housing Questionnaire Form: living with: another family due to loss of housing; in a shelter; in a car, park, bus, train, or campsite; in a hotel/motel; or other temporary living situation.
Need help getting to school? Whether it’s an alarm clock issue, a transportation issue, or anything else, we’ve got you covered. Send a message to Liz Zilinski,, and we’ll get you what you need to make sure your little ones make it to school on time, every time.