Tomorrow is Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or African American Emancipation Day. Juneteenth is an African American holiday celebrated each year on June 19th to commemorate June 19, 1865, when all enslaved people in Texas were set free by federal orders–an important day in the fight to end American slavery. It’s a recognized state holiday, ceremonial holiday, or day of observance in 49 of 50 U.S. states, but was celebrated for over a century before being officially recognized by state governments.
We usually celebrate this day with BBQs, parades, blues festivals, family reunions, historical reenactments, and more. Strawberry soda is a traditional Juneteenth drink you can share with your children as you learn more about African-American heritage. Originally, the red drink for Juneteenth was a Hibiscus and kola nut tea from West Africa. You can read more here:
There are TONS of Juneteenth books I could share with you–here is a great list on Indy’s Child:
You can also share these Read Aloud Videos with your kiddos:
All Different Now by Angela Johnson
Juneteenth for Mazie by Floyd Cooper
Knock Knock: My Dad’s Dream for Me by Daniel Beaty
For all those that celebrate, I hope you have a Happy Juneteenth tomorrow! 🙂