Our Food Services Department is providing meal assistance for families who would like to participate throughout the school year. If you would like to pick-up weekly meals for those days your child is learning at home, please click here to register.
Pick-up will be on Wednesdays. We ask that you complete this form by Monday September 7 for pick-up beginning on September 9. You may complete the form after September 7 and be added to future meal pick-up days. You need only complete the registration form once. This service is available to enrolled Elmira City School District students at no charge.
Our meal assistance distribution will be available for pick up at four school sites – Diven, Fassett, Broadway and Elmira High School. Two pick-up times are available for families to choose from on the survey (7:00am – 8:00am or 11:30am – 12:30pm). Each meal will include entrees, fruit, vegetable, and milk. With questions, please call the Food Services Office at 607-735.3236 as soon as possible.