Each September, the Diven School Organization runs a CherryDale and Yankee Candle Fundraiser. The profits from this fundraiser are used to fund:
Class Field Trips (Smithome Farm Pumpkin Patch, etc.)
Family Events (Book on Every Bed, Splash Bash, etc.)Classroom Supplies
Fun Stuff for Classes (Bubbles, Sidewalk Chalk, Hula Hoops, etc.)
Staff Appreciation
And more!
The DSO runs only this one big fundraiser, and we hope you participate! If you prefer, you may also donate directly to the Diven School Organization. Checks can be made out to Diven School Organization and mailed to Diven Elementary. The DSO is a 501c3 nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers. Your donation is tax-deductible and 100% of your donation will fund the mission.
The fundraiser begins September 17. Information will be sent home with your child. All students should register at ShopFund.com so they can share the fundraiser by email, Facebook, text, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and more! The DSO receives more profit when at least 50% of our students register their fundraiser at ShopFund.com.
Note that this year, we are running a different candle sale, but they are Yankee Candle quality!