Welcome, Diven Dolphins, to Diven Elementary!
You’ll be with us from pre-Kindergarten until second grade, then you’ll move up to Hendy Elementary.
Here at Diven, we do head and heart learning. Our goal is to build your character and your intellect, making sure that you reach your full potential.
We follow the Dolphin Do’s each and every day:
- I am responsible for me.
- I am responsible for how I treat others.
- I am responsible for making my school a better place.
And every morning, we recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the Dolphin Way:
At Diven Elementary School, I respect myself, others, and my environment by listening, helping, and caring. I am responsible for what I say and do. I believe in myself and my ability to do my best all of the time.
Did you know that dolphins often set aside their own needs to help each other? When a pod member needs support, a pair of dolphins, one on each side will stay beside it, lifting it to the surface to breath if necessary,untill it recovers the strength to swim for its self. At Diven, home and school families can pair up to offer this same type of support for learning. We know that your child will learn more and be happier if we work together as a team. Your Family and Community Outreach Coordinator (Parent Partner) is here to make sure our team has all the resources it needs to be amazing!
When home and school are partners, children learn best.
Check out the menu above for more information about what’s going on here at Diven, and how you can help your child perform their very best at school and home.
One of the best ways to get involved in Diven is joining the Diven School Organization. This parent-teacher team meets once a month to discuss and plan fundraisers, activities, and programs for Diven families and scholars. Free childcare is provided at these after-school meetings!
This website is maintained by Liz Zilinski, the Family and Community Outreach Coordinator at Diven Elementary School (Elmira City School District). The District has made every reasonable attempt to ensure that our Web Pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to questionable material or material that can be deemed in violation of the School District’s Standards and Guidelines for Web Page Publishing Policy.