End of the Year!
Hello everyone! The kids are getting ready to wrap up 5th grade. Their final book report is due at the end of May. The project ideas are on my Symbaloo page (under class resources). The NYS Math Tests are at the end of May as well. We are currently working on our 5th grade …
Biography Project!
Here is a friendly reminder that our biography projects are due Wednesday, November 2nd. The criteria for the project is listedon my Symbaloo. I also uploaded a calendar, just in case your child lost theirs! Our Halloween party is Monday afternoon. Please send their costumes in a labeled bag. Have a great weekend!
Welcome to our new website!
Team 314 is excited about our new website. We will be posting several reminders as well as any news. You will also find a Symbaloo site on my website. There you will find spelling lists, Classroom Dojo and several other useful sites! Keep checking back for classroom news!