My goals in the future are to attend college in some sort of Architecture field. I’m mostly interested in Landscape Architecture. I would like to attend a 2 year college first such as Corning Community College. Then, attend a 4 year college such as Buffalo University or Alfred College to get my Bachelors or maybe even my Masters degree in Architecture. After going to college, I plan on working as a architect, have a family and live life to the fullest.
I didn’t play many sports throughout high school, but I do plan on playing sports in college. In 9th and 10th grade I played soccer. It was a very fun sport and helped me learn a lot. I learned how to work with other and work as a team. Teamwork played a big role. Learning those skills now can help me in the future. I do other sports outside of school. My family and i are involved in racing dirt bikes but I don’t race. But I do practice with them and ride around. I also do a lot of biking and hiking.
My hobbies include hiking, biking, kayaking. A lot of my hobbies involve being outside. My brother and I, mountain bike a lot through national forests. My family and I are involved in Hare-scramble/dirt bike racing. I personally don’t race, but maybe in the future. But my brother and dad race. I really enjoy watching and help prep for the races. I really enjoy camping, many of the races we go to, we end up camping there. Something else i really enjoy is drawing and painting. I’m in Independent Study Art class and really enjoy being in the class.