Let’s get Rockin’ into the Weekend with some Drumming!

One of our favorite instruments in the music room is our bucket and marching drums to practice rhythmic patterns and to jam out to fun songs. If you don’t have buckets at home, you can use pots and pans, plastic containers (bowls, totes, empty waste baskets, etc), or cardboard boxes. You can use wooden spoons, wooden kabob skewers, or pencils as drum sticks. Or if you have a drumset in your house, you can use it–as long as Mom and Dad are okay with the jam session. 

Students remember how to make your drum sound quieter? You can play closer to the drum head with smaller arm  movements or you can use a cloth on the drum head to dampen the sound. 

So look for your supplies in your house and check out these videos from class this year to review our percussion techniques. Remember in the videos L stand for left hand and R stand for right hand when playing the rhythmic patterns. 

Most importantly, HAVE FUN and JAM into the weekend!

Can’t Stop the Feeling Drum Video (UPK-1st grade): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icFrFICfzLU

We Will Rock You Video (K-4th grade): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nELJwXY6ko

More Drumming Fun videos: 

5 Most Important Rhythms Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qVulT1NEvo

Too Loud Tips Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9PouFZeQYA

Uptown Funk Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEnayqaOWPE

(UPK-2nd grade)William Tell Overture Percussion Fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sybh2cAURFk