Trip to see the New York Philharmonic: music from “Fantasia” Lincoln Center in New York City Saturday, May 21, 2016 Approximately $155 (includes Concert Ticket, Bus, and 1 Meal) APPROXIMATE SCHEDULE: 7:00 AM (CHANGED FROM 7:30 am) Board school buses at Center Street Elementary School on Saturday, May 21. Approximate drive time of 5 hours on a chartered bus. Pillows, snacks, hand-held electronics with earphones, etc., are ENCOURAGED for the trip, and will remain safe on the bus throughout our visit. Eat SACK LUNCH you bring. Arrive at Lincoln Center Plaza. Dress appropriately for the weather. 1:00 PM New...
In celebration of Music In Our Schools Month (March) SPAH invites you to the upcoming concert by the ORCHESTRA OF THE SOUTHERN FINGER LAKES Sunday, March 6 at 4 PM, Clemens Center, Downtown Elmira Legends of Russia This concert is packed with student performers, a full choir, and an art show before the performance, and the program itself is full of legendary stories! Tchaikovsky’s March Slav is featured in the new release of “Fallout 4.” Alexander Nevsky is the story of a 22-year old prince who battled invading knights on a frozen lake. Peter and the Wolf is a musical...
SPAH’s annual Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser is happening now! Orders and money are due on (or before) February 18. PICK UP DATE: March 7 This fundraiser is optional. Money in student accounts can be used towards field trips (including our upcoming trip to see the Orchestra of the Southern Finger Lakes!).