Trip to NY Philharmonic

Trip to see the New York Philharmonic: music from “Fantasia”

Lincoln Center in New York City

 Saturday, May 21, 2016

Approximately $155 (includes Concert Ticket, Bus, and 1 Meal)



7:00 AM

(CHANGED FROM 7:30 am)
Board school buses at Center Street Elementary School on Saturday, May 21. Approximate drive time of 5 hours on a chartered bus. Pillows, snacks, hand-held electronics with earphones, etc., are ENCOURAGED for the trip, and will remain safe on the bus throughout our visit. Eat SACK LUNCH you bring. Arrive at Lincoln Center Plaza. Dress appropriately for the weather.
1:00 PM New York Philharmonic Concert

10 Lincoln Center Plaza

NEW YORK, NY 10023-6970

Founded in 1842, the New York Philharmonic is the oldest symphony orchestra in the United States. Select clips from Disney’s Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 will be shown, featuring live performances of selections from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5; Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, Pastoral; Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker Suite; Debussy’s Claire de lune; Stravinsky’s The Firebird Suite (1919 version); Ponchielli’s Dance of the Hours; Dukas’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice; and Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance.

3:15 PM Walk to HARD ROCK CAFÉ (1501 Broadway) for 4:00 dinner. Walk to Bryant Park to meet bus for 6:00 departure.
11:00 PM Approximate arrival at Center Street School.


This SPAH-sponsored trip is open to string students in good standing (grades 4-12) in Horseheads and their families. Tickets for string students and chaperones will be available first, and if more seats are available, other family members may be included. The cost will be no more than $155 for students or chaperones, and payments are non-refundable. All adults will serve in the capacity of chaperones, and all children will be serving in the capacity of students.

MONEY DETAILS: One full payment of $155 per person can be made by the first due date, or you may make two payments:

Deposit of $50 per person due MAR 3

Final payment * due APR 13 * we will give the final amount after we know how many are coming

Checks or money orders (no cash, please) should be made out to SPAH. Please MAIL or BRING your check and the two forms included with this mailing (health info and registration form) to Mrs. Matthews or Mrs. Moss. (The first deposit will be made soon after the first due date.)