Rowan Avery is in 7th grade and created a two-point perspective drawing titled “Her Fate”

What was your inspiration?

“Well, there’s a movie I love called “Castle in the Sky” and I guess I did a “City in the Sky”. I also just really wanted to draw something odd like a city on a city, maybe the girl is seeing what her city is turning into and it’s her job, her fate, to fix it.”

Medium Used:
Pencil and Sharpie

Elements and Principles of design or key concepts:
“I created this using two-point perspective to make the city seem 3D”

Lucy Secondo is in 6th grade and created a magazine collage titled “Idealistic Home”

What was your inspiration?

“I always wanted to live in a city that wasn’t so crowded, but also colorful and full of life with cheerful people.”

Medium Used:
Magazines and glue

Elements and Principles of design or key concepts:
“I used collage and overlapped the pieces to make the collage more realistic”