

Forms is an application in Office 365. You can create Quizzes in Forms and select correct answers for the Quiz to be graded for you.

Under My Forms Click New quiz to begin creating your quiz.

Enter a name for your quiz. You can also enter a subtitle if you wish.

Click Add Question to add a new question to the quiz. You can choose to add Choice, Text, Rating, or Data questions. Questions automatically save as you create them.

Enter the text you want to display for the question and each of the choices.

Want to add more choices?  Click Add option to add more choices than the default of two choices.  Click the Correct Answer check box button next to each correct answer.  To remove a choice, click the trash can button next to it.  You can also choose to make a question required or allow multiple choices for a question by changing the settings at the bottom of the question.  Enter a number in the Points text box to assign a point value for a correct answer to the quiz question.


Click the Message button next to the choices if you want to display a custom message to your students who select that choice as their answer.

To display math formulas, click the ellipses button (…) and then click Math.

click in each question text box and now Microsoft Forms displays various math formula options for you to use in your quiz.


Some math formulas will trigger auto answers.

click on the suggested option to add it as a choice.


click Add Question to add more questions to your quiz.  To change hte order of the questions, click the UP or DOWN arrows on the right side of each question.  For text questions, select the Long Answer option if you want a larger text box displayed on the quiz.


Click Preview at the top of the design window to see how our quiz looks on a computer or mobile device.  To test your quiz, enter answers for the quiz in preview mode and then click submit.

Click Back when you are finished previewing or testing your quiz.


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