CDAMP MODULE III Overview (click to download)


CDAMP MODULE III. OVERVIEW (Work Place Safety – BSH-9201)


  1. OSHA Standards
  2. Disease Transmission & Infection Control
  3. Management of Hazardous Materials
  4. Emergency Management


    • Be familiar scope of the OSHA Bloodborne/Hazardous Materials Standard
    • Identify & utilize equipment & safeguards available for employee safety
    • Practice universal precautions techniques
    • Demonstrate safe handling & disposal of sharps
    • Describe the OSHA requirement responsibilities for employee training & updating
    • Be familiar with & follow the dental office’s Exposure Control Plan


    • Identify various groups of microorganisms & their characteristics
    • Describe the various modes & routes of disease transmission
    • Explain the body’s natural defenses against disease
    • Describe diseases of major concern to dental personnel
    • Relate specific ways pathogens can be transmitted in the dental environment
    • Describe occupational exposure categories & protocol
    • Demonstrate methods of infection control utilized in the dental office
    • List the various disinfectants & applications used in the dental office
    • Be familiar with sterilization monitoring procedures & employ their use
    • Identify & implement various infection control supplies & equipment
    • Demonstrate proper infection control procedures in all applicable areas of the dental office


    • Explain categories shown on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
    • Explain the purpose of an MSDS manual
    • Explain the risks of using hazardous chemicals found in a dental office & the safety precautions in handling them
    • Develop a written plan identifying employee training & describing specific control measures to be utilized while handling hazardous chemicals
    • Develop a chemical inventory of all chemicals stored in the office, showing all necessary information required by OSHA
    • Demonstrate the use of colors & numbers used for hazardous materials identification


    • Describe emergencies that may occur in a dental office & how a dental assistant can be prepared for them
    • Assist in administering oxygen
    • Become certified in CPR in order to perform rescue breathing, dislodging an airway obstruction and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    • Identify causes, signs, & treatment for emergencies of syncope, asthma, allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, hyperventilation, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure & stroke
    • Identify dental-specific emergencies such as abscessed tooth, alveolitis, prolonged bleeding, avulsed tooth, broken/loose prosthesis, broken tooth, & soft tissue injury